Wikipedia Definition of Computer Science

Computer science (English : Computer Science ) , generally defined as the study of both computing hardware ( hardware ) and software (the software ) . Computer science includes a variety of computer-related topics , ranging [...]
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Introduction to Computer Installation

To do that , first you must be able to understand the information that is written in the English language manual and computer electronics computer programs , if necessary, prepare the English dictionary . English used [...]
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Understanding Computer Brainware

Computer Brainware is any person involved in the utilization of a computer or data processing system . Brainware also be interpreted as an intellectual device that operates and explore the capabilities of computer hardware [...]
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Understanding Technical Information

Engineering informatics is a discipline that is a part of its computer science , which is basically a collection of disciplines and techniques that specifically address the issue of transformation or processing of symbolic [...]
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How To Blog Famous and Many crowd was!

How to blog and many famous visitors , At this conference , a special tutorial SEO blogs Indonesian bloggers will try to share a few tips about the blog is still mild . Which provides little -known tips on how to blog [...]
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How to Create a Blog To Appear in Google

How to Create a Blog To Appear on Google - It seems like the above fundamental questions proposed by a lot of beginner bloggers . Like I used to when I first foray into the world of virtual and dabble activity called blogging [...]
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Disable Windows Firewall with VBS/Batch script

This is a simple VBS script to disable the specified computers' windows firewall using WMI, requires administrator access.strComputer = "."Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")Set colServiceList = objWMIService.ExecQuery [...]
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