WebHackingTools - Various Apache, SQL, IIS, PHP ect tools
Srvcheck2 - Privilege Scalation for Windows Networks using weak Service restrictions v2.0
MS06_035 - Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
MS06-007 - TCP/IP IGMP DOS - XP SP1+ SP2, Server 2003 and x64
DCOM RPC exploit - Win2k and XP remote exploit
MS05-038 -Ms05-038 exploit POC
MS05-039 - Windows 2000 universal exploit MS05-039
MS05-017 Message Queuing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
Dcom32 - Remote DCOM RPC Buffer Overflow Exploit
Windows Telnet Service 1.2 remote buffer overflow
MS04-031 NetDDE buffer overflow vulnerability PoC
Ms04011 Windows Lsasrv.dll RPC buffer overflow Remote Exploit
MS04011 Lsasrv.dll RPC buffer overflow remote exploit v0.1
PHP BB hack pack - Email harvester, spammer, mass post ect
IP stealer - Steals a users IP thu a URL they click on and a trojans hunter
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